Artist Application
Artists interested in having their work on consignment in the Gallery Shop must submit an application including images, dimensions, and media of the work they would like to submit
Submissions must be submitted digitally via the online application.
Submissions must be submitted digitally via the online application.
- Work submitted by artists will be reviewed by Gallery Shop management for selections
- A response to application by artists should be received by the artist within 14 days of submission
- Artists are welcome to submit any work for consideration in their application, but LeMoyne will only select pieces that are appropriate for sale in the Gallery Shop. Considerations for selection are:
- limit number of items by any one artists to be able to show multiple artists and media in the shop
- Priced within acceptable price point for the Shop, currently $150 and under – Occasionally allowing for major, more expensive pieces to serve as inspiration.
- LeMoyne reserves the right to select only the works it believes to be a good fit for the Shop based on sales experience and requests by shoppers
- Artists may always apply again with new or different work.
- Once work is selected for the Gallery Shop, artists will sign a Gallery Shop Consignment Agreement stipulating the terms of consignment and will submit a completed W-9 with the signed application. The agreement includes a time period for how long LeMoyne will keep the work, price of the work, the 60/40 payment split between artist and LeMoyne, the amount of time LeMoyne will offer the work in the Shop, an explanation of how and when the artist will be paid, a lost/damaged inventory policy, and an inventory (with images, dimensions, and media) agreed upon to be displayed in the gallery shop denoted by a signature from the artist and a LeMoyne Arts representative.
- Once signed, the artist and LeMoyne will each receive a copy. In addition to the hard copy of the agreement, LeMoyne will retain a digital copy with Gallery Shop records on server. The signed agreement and completed W9 with all relevant identifying information, should be completed before or at time of drop off.
- A complete and accurate inventory list of all items to be on consignment in the Shop shall be submitted by the artist at drop-off to ensure accurate inventory. LeMoyne and artist should retain a copy.
- Depending on scale of the work, sales experience, other inventory in the Shop and available space, the Shop management will limit what works may be included in the Shop.
- LeMoyne will create an artist’s bio sheet for each displaying artist using photo and bio supplied by the artist. Additional copies will be made to include with each purchase of the artist’s work.
- All work put on consignment with LeMoyne Arts must be ready for display. Framed works should be ready for hanging, prints ready for a print rack, etc.
- Shop management and Artist will decide whether artist supplied display or LeMoyne display will be used. LeMoyne will retain the right to make final decision on display. If artist display is used, it should be added to inventory list and clearly labeled as the artists’ for return.
Artwork Pickup
- LeMoyne retains the right to remove artists’ works from the Gallery Shop at any time or for any reason. Shop management will monitor sales and will look to change inventory as needed on a quarterly basis. Artists shall be promptly contacted by email and/or phone to come collect works removed from the Shop.
- When contacting artist to return their work Shop management will keep track of how the artist was contacted, when, if pickup dates were arranged, etc.
- After the time period outlined in the consignment agreement has elapsed the Shop management will determine if an extension is appropriate or if the artist should be contacted to collect unsold work.
- The artist and a LeMoyne representative must account for the removal from inventory on all copies of the consignment sheet. If the artist chooses to remove the work before the display duration is up the same process is to be followed and noted in Shop records.
- If an artist would like to bring in new work to replace the old, they should submit a new application including the new pieces they’d like to put on consignment.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected].